Animation delves deep into the heart of the Pagani Huayra, employing a breathtaking “explode view” technique. Crafted using the incredible capabilities of Blender Cycles, this visual spectacle offers an unprecedented look at the iconic supercar. Experience the Pagani Huayra’s aerodynamics as air flows over its sinuous curves. Witness the fusion of power and aesthetics as the Pagani Huayra comes to life in a way that only 3D animation can deliver.
Pagani Huayra
Preparing hi poly Pagani Huara 3D car model for animation and low poly for particle projection
Rigging the car (animating the rig)
Setting up cameras and lights
Preparing the scene
Animating cameras and compositions
Animating materials, lights and scene elements
Setting up geometry node animation for particles hologram
Preparing splines for geometry nodes
Preparing plugins for explode
Preparing splines for light trails, animating trails and materials
Creating volumetric fog
Creating transitions in After Effects
Creating masks for glitch effect
Creating camera blur in postproduction
Rendering in two different passes – first the model, second the particles